Drop Down Menus

This issue is one that haunts even the best of us. Remember, every minute that you're late is a minute of your lesson that you miss.

It usually takes about 5 weeks to begin to see your progress on most instruments. In Latin percussion your patience is a necessity AND a blessing.

Most students that own their own instrument would confess to leaving it at home, school, or at a friend's, from time to time. Unfortunately, Latin percussion is unforgiving in terms of hands on tactile learning. Please have your instrument at the ready before your instruction begins!

The reason we teach mostly Cuban genres is basically because Cuba was simply the most intensely active slave trading post of the Latin Americas. As it turned out, this activity gave birth to some of the most prolific Afro-centric music in the western hemisphere. This music spread quickly to the rest of Latin America and the world to became a profound influence on Latin American musical and cultural aesthetics.

An impressive knowledge of Latin music and its myriad genres. The ability to eventually master the instrument they chose to learn. A clear understanding of the cultural aspects of the music. And the knowledge that comes with a dynamic and inspiring teacher-student relationship.

Paws Music Academy Online enrollment takes place year round. You can begin classes as soon as your fees are paid and you select your Units of choice.

Paws Music Academy Pledge

The Paws Music Online Academy is a safe space and an excellent learning environment. Our faculty pride themselves on elevating their students with a proper dress code, positive vernacular and an uplifting demeanor. All instructors will be kind, courteous, respectful and dedicated to your musical progress.

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